Mastering prompt engineering for B2B Sales: six building blocks of an effective prompt

Crafting the perfect prompt for AI tools like ChatGPT can seem tough, but with the right approach, you can get high-quality outputs that enhance your B2B sales efforts. Here’s a straightforward formula based on practical application that can improve your interactions with AI. This approach is designed specifically for B2B sales professionals looking to streamline their workflow and improve engagement with clients.

The six building blocks of an effective prompt

Prompt engineering is more than just throwing words into a digital interface; it’s an art of communication that, if mastered, can greatly increase productivity and accuracy in results. Here’s what makes up a good prompt:

  1. Persona
    Establishing a persona for the AI is about setting a role that the AI will assume during the interaction. For example, if you’re seeking advice for a sales strategy, you might instruct AI to “act as an experienced sales director”. This adjustment in the AI’s role can make the provided insights or responses more relevant to your sales context.
  1. Context
    Context is about giving the AI background information that helps make the output more relevant to your needs. For example, if you’re crafting an email to follow up on a demo, mention the client’s industry, previous concerns they’ve expressed, and the specifics of the solutions discussed.
  1. Task
    Your prompt should always include a clear action verb like “generate,” “summarize,” or “draft” and precisely describe what you need. For instance, “Generate a follow-up email for a client who attended a product demo last week and showed interest in our premium package.”
  1. Format
    Detail the exact structure of your desired output. If you need a sales report, specify it should include an introduction, a section for key performance metrics, a table of comparison, and a conclusion. Don’t forget to mention if there are branding guidelines or compliance rules to follow.
  1. Tone
    The tone of the output can significantly impact its reception. Decide whether you need a formal, analytical, friendly, or even humorous tone to match the context of your task. For instance, a professional email might require a formal tone, whereas a creative brief could benefit from a more relaxed, conversational style.
  1. Examples
    When you include examples, you’re giving the AI a model to mirror. Choose examples that closely match the result you want. For instance, show ChatGPT a sales pitch that won you a big account to guide it in crafting a similarly effective pitch.
Master Prompt Engineering for B2B

Crafting your prompt: a comprehensive example

Let’s put it all together. Say you’re a senior sales director who needs help in crafting a compelling client case study. Here’s how you could construct your prompt:

  • Persona: Act as a senior content writer with a special skill in capturing and conveying client success stories.
  • Context: We’ve recently achieved a major win by assisting a client in significantly reducing their operational costs and streamlining their workflow through our software solutions.
  • Task: Your goal is to write a case study that highlights this success, with a focus on the tangible benefits the client received.
  • Format: The case study should be organized into four sections: Introduction to the client, Challenges faced, Solutions provided, and Results & Benefits. Make sure to incorporate data and feedback from our internal documents on the project.
  • Tone: The case study should be written in a compelling, professional tone that communicates the value we delivered while engaging the reader.
  • Example: Use the following outline: Start with ‘Client overview,’ then ‘Operational challenges,’ followed by ‘Strategic solutions deployed,’ and wrap up with ‘Quantifiable outcomes and Client testimonial.’ Refer to our project files [insert document names or descriptions] for specifics on the client’s situation and the outcomes of our solution.

This structured approach ensures that every part of your prompt is designed to generate the most effective and tailored output possible. If the result isn’t quite there, refine your prompt by being more specific about the information and style you need. This iterative process will help you and the AI learn from each interaction, leading to increasingly accurate outputs.


Mastering prompt engineering is a powerful skill that can enhance how you interact with AI technologies like ChatGPT. By understanding and using these six building blocks—persona, context, task, format, tone and example—you can create precise, useful, and efficient prompts. Whether you’re looking to streamline your workflow, enhance productivity, or simply get more accurate AI-generated content, these strategies will pave the way for success. Remember, the key is clarity and relevance—keep your prompts clear, structured, and closely aligned with your end goals for the best results.

Want to become a master of prompt engineering? Sign up for our course today!

Unlock the full potential of prompt engineering and ChatGPT’s generative AI to skyrocket your sales results. Our comprehensive course ´AI For Sales Professionals” is meticulously designed for sales professionals eager to master AI communication, craft winning prompts, and harness the full power of AI technology in their sales strategy.

Ready to transform your sales approach? Click here to start your journey with AI: AI for Sales Professionals.